Passport to Success has been extensively developed to meet the needs of HR and CPD Departments.
Passport to Success has a combination of powerful tools and reporting functions. Simplify and enhance the management of your entire organisation's Continuing Professional Development with one easy-to-use system. Passport to Success has been developed hand-in-hand with CPD Managers, making it one of the only systems designed by CPD Managers, for CPD Managers.
Course Management
A comprehensive tool enabling the the CPD manager to create, categorise, schedule and manage any type of training course available.
Training Course Finder
A dynamic and intuitive directory that allows staff to search courses, view details, request sessions and book places for all training courses.
Automated Logging of CPD Hours
Passport to Success automatically logs all your Continuing Professional Development and then displays a live status bar of CPD hours completed, scheduled and required on your personal dashboard.
My Profile and My CPD Record
Encourages staff to take a more proactive approach to their own CPD, by allowing them to manage and update their own personal profile and career development.
My Dashboard
Gives staff a visual overview of their key CPD information including personalised calendars, live status bar, notifications and mandatory course reminders.
Team Dashboard
Allows line managers to view the dashboards and oversee the CPD activity of each member of their team.
My Schedule
A comprehensive summary of an individual's course requests, schedules courses and course history; as well as forthcoming and attended meetings.
Performance Reviews and Development
Allow managers to create tailored performance reviews customised to each job role or individual, resulting in bespoke staff development plans.
Comprehensive Team Management
A full range of tools to assist line managers in organising, scheduling, booking, tracking and reviewing the performance of their team.
Meeting Wizard
A step-by-step wizard that allows you to create and execute any type of meeting that can be bespoke to the individual, the department or the job role.
Lesson Observations
Set up observation meetings with any staff member in the organisation anonymously and create before, during and after questions that can be reviewed by HR staff once complete.
Training Effectiveness Evaluation allows a line manager to judge the effectiveness of a team member’s training using pre and post customisable questions.
Extensive Reporting System that allows for the creation and export of every type of report needed to maximise performance effectiveness and assist in meeting compliance regulations.
Course Feedback allows CPD managers to gain valuable feedback from the attendees to determine, more accurately, the quality of their training courses.
Staff Reflection ensures all staff are constantly encouraged to provide qualitative reflection relating to all aspects of their training.
total ORGANISATION integration
Customised Organisation Branding means Passport to Success reflects your corporate identity and colour scheme, providing complete familiarity and visual consistency across the organisation.
Scheduling Assistance so CPD managers can reduce departmental workload by authorising any staff member to become a ‘scheduler’, giving them the opportunity to schedule and manage their own course sessions.
Outlook Calendar and Email Integration
Course sessions are automatically added onto the individual’s Outlook calendar; plus they have the opportunity to receive emails reminding them of forthcoming training and/or meeting obligations.
User-friendly Intuitive Interface
Enabling all staff members to use the system with minimum training.
Multiple User Levels
Four user levels (staff member, manager, scheduler and administrator) means the intuitive system displays only the content appropriate to each individual’s assigned level.
Full Function Text Layout and Editing Facilities
All text entry fields can be spell-checked and formatted easily to add bold or underlined text, as well as bullet points and numerical lists.
Continuing Professional Support
Easy Installation and Data Import
Passport to Success is easy to install and can be pre-populated with all existing HR data making it ready to use on day one.
Ongoing Product Development and Technical Support
The Passport to Success annual membership is like no other on the market. It allows our users access to a whole range of support services and backup resources, whilst keeping them up to date with the most recent developments, techniques and upgrades.
Passport Administrator Training
As part of your license fee, your Passport to Success administrator receives a one-on-one pre-installation training day.